Prof. Igor V. Shishkovsky has been working at the Samara branch of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute since 1982. In 1992, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Theoretical Modeling of Physical Processes in Laser Hardening of Steels" in the specialty 01.04.07 (Solid State Physics) at the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow). CV enclosed
Since 1993, he has transitioned to experimental work in the Laboratory of Technological Lasers, where he became one of the initiators of a new direction in laser technologies - additive synthesis of volumetric parts (3D printing). He led the research group on additive technologies (AT). The most significant achievements include (italicized results are at the world level in the field of AT):
Period 1993-2005: Fundamental principles for the formation of functionally graded meso- and micro-structures and products with unique physical-mechanical and chemical-biological properties were established. Based on the results of a series of studies, a new scientific direction for Russia - "in-situ synthesis of materials in additive technologies" - was formed, and the physical and physico-chemical regularities common to the processes of Selective Laser Sintering/Melting (SLS/M) of powder (including reactive) compositions were studied. An experimental setup for SLS/M was created, new powder compositions and original approaches were patented, and numerous grants and awards were received. Specifically:
- Developed the first experimental SLS setup in Russia (1996-98) with the direct participation of I.V. Shishkovsky, later (2003-04) equipped with a software-hardware complex for managing the processes of graphical data representation on the geometry of the volumetric product, the layer-by-layer SLS, and its interactive diagnostics.
- The first self-consistent continuum physical model of the interaction of laser radiation (LR) with powder compositions was constructed, suitable for both laser liquid-phase sintering and controlled LR combination of SLS and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) processes in reactive powder mixtures during the laser synthesis of volumetric products (LSVP) (2003-2005).
- It was shown (CFD + laser heating, Ansys) that micron-sized (less than 5-10 microns) metal powder particles practically do not reach the platform when flowing from the nozzle in the gravitational field during volumetric laser cladding, and the process should be conducted with larger particles of more than 60-80 microns (2002).
- New metal-polymer (MPC) and bimetallic powder compositions (BPC) for SLS technology were patented. This allowed for new degrees of freedom in controlling the parameters of volumetric products with such a ratio of their physical-mechanical and physico-chemical properties that were previously unattainable (1995-1999).
- The principle possibility of synthesizing volumetric products from functionally graded structures/materials (FGS/M) and porous meso-structures by the SLS/M method through layer-by-layer changes in component concentration or modeling the structure of the pore space was experimentally demonstrated and patented (2004-2006).
Period 2006-2018: After defending his Doctor of Science dissertation and in collaboration with colleagues from ISMAN (Prof. Yu.G. Morozov, Prof. M.V. Kuznetsov), the following results were obtained:
- For the first time, the controlled energy laser combination of SLS and SHS processes using the following powder compositions was experimentally implemented in a single technological process: metal mixtures for the synthesis of intermetallic systems Ni - Ti, Ti - Al, Ni - Al, Fe-Al, Fe - Ti, NiCr - Al, Ti-Al-Ni; metal oxide mixtures for the synthesis of ceramics TiO2 - ZrO2 - PbO, Al(Al2O3) - Zr (ZrO2); component mixtures for the synthesis of barium hexaferrites and lithium ferrite spinels from BaO2 - Fe2O3 - Cr2O3 - Fe, Li2CO3 - Fe2O3 - Cr2O3 - Fe (2004-2007).
- Approaches to SLS/M of biocompatible materials (titanium, nickel-titanium/nitinol, biocompatible and biodegradable polymers) were developed, and original ways of using volumetric products from these materials for medical applications were proposed (2004-2012).
- For the first time, the conditions for the layer-by-layer synthesis of functional and functionally graded volumetric products by the SLS/M methods of polymer powders with the addition of paramagnetic FexOy, NiOy (x, y = 1..3) nanoparticles and biocompatible ZrO2, Al2O3, TiO2 oxides and hydroxyapatite for applications in chemical catalysis and medicine, including with specified magnetization, were proposed and thoroughly investigated (2011-2015).
Collaboration with colleagues from the Laboratory of High-Temperature Process Diagnostics (DIPI, Director - Prof. I. Smurov) / University of Lyon/, Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Saint Etienne (ENISE), France, 2005-17, and work in the Megagrant Laboratory (MSTU-STANKIN, Prof. I. Smurov, 2012-2015) allowed us to expand the range of our achievements:
- For the first time, the use of additive technologies (3D laser cladding, selective laser melting) for the in-situ construction of microstructures and properties of functional and graded alloys was proposed. Using the combinatorial method of material modeling, we first produced multilayer products in intermetallic systems Ti-Al, Ni-Al, Ti-Ni-Al, Ti-Fe, Fe-Al, NiCr-Ti, NiCr-Al. The layers represented mixtures of two (sometimes three) materials with a change in the composition of the initial powder composition from layer to layer in the proportion (90:10, 80:20, 70:30, etc. by volume) and taking into account their phase diagrams (2011-2014).
- The combinatorial approach for materials was first tested on gradient metal-matrix composites (MMC) based on titanium, nickel, and/or cobalt matrices, with an increase in the addition of nanoceramics (Al2O3, TiC, TiB2, WC) from layer to layer (2014-2017). In some cases, we recommended additionally heating the initial mixture and/or substrate to reduce temperature gradients in the product volume, decrease thermal stresses, and reduce the tendency to delamination. The combinatorial method developed by us is an effective tool for discovering and designing new alloys for additive manufacturing (AM), studying structure and phase formation in non-equilibrium conditions of 3D laser synthesis, and predicting other promising MMCs and heat-resistant alloys. This is an entirely new and fundamental result not only for the Russian industry but also for the global AM industry.
Period 2018-2023: Under my leadership and with active participation at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, CMT (Additive Manufacturing Laboratory), the following were developed:
- Original ideas for using additive technologies in the exploration of the Moon and Mars.
- Unique products from smart materials & metamaterials, including 3D samples of: Lead-free piezoceramics and piezopolymers; Polymers and intermetallic alloys with shape memory for medical applications; High-entropy alloys; Multi-material gradient products.
- New technological approaches to creating highly efficient lead-free textured piezomaterials using SLA-based additive technology were developed:
- The application of ceramic additive technology for laser 3D printing with various laser sources at multiple wavelengths, optimized according to the optical characteristics of lead-free piezoceramic materials, significantly increased the efficiency of forming 3D products by the additive method compared to the existing world level of additive piezoceramics.
- The dependencies of the physical and mechanical properties of printed textured piezoceramic samples on their microstructure parameters and pore space characteristics were investigated.
- The formation of a digital methodology for SLA-based 3D printing of functional lead-free piezoceramics and products based on them.
A/ In collaboration with co-executors on industrial projects with the State Corporation RosAtom (VNIIEF, Sarov) '3D Virtual Printer 1.0, 2019-21' and '3D VP 2.0, 2022-24':
- The concept of a digital twin of the selective laser powder melting process (LPBF process) was created and implemented.
- The concept of a digital twin of the direct laser powder deposition process (DED process) was created and implemented.
B/ Based on the results of the industrial project Skoltech-Oerlikon GmbH (2019-22):
A unique experimental-technological stand for the LPBF process was created, possessing capabilities that are absent in serial Western and Russian machines.
- The experimental-technological laboratory setup allows for multifactor analysis and determination of the range of laser impact parameters (energy power, scanning speed, laser beam diameter, etc.) and requirements for powder compositions (their dispersity, content, alloying elements, preparation and laying methods, etc.), under which such tasks will be solved most optimally.
- The collected Data set (Big Data) and its multifactor optimization of LPBF processes on the laboratory setup allows identifying the main (leading) processes and accelerating the validation of CAD – CAM – CAE models and new materials.
Grants (italics is current projects):
- STRIP- Skoltech from 2022 until 2023 '3D printing of superelastic intermetallic nitinol parts for endodontic instruments' - Project supervisor – Shishkovsky I.V. (CMT, Skoltech);
- The State Corporation RosAtom (VNIEF, Sarov) has funded from 2022 until 2024 the Project in frameworks of own the Unified Industry Thematic Plan ЕОТП-МТ-098 '3D Virtual Printer 2.0'. Project leader in CMT (Skoltech) - Shishkovsky I.V.
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR-IRAN) has awarded support from 2021 until 2022 to our project N- 20-51-56011 - 'Topological design and selective laser melting of porous nitinol implants and scaffolds for medical applications' - Project leader – Shishkovsky I.V. (CDMM, Skoltech);
- The Russian Science Foundation (RSF – BY 2020) has awarded support from 2020 until 2022 to our Project N- 20-69-46070 'Development of the method for production and optimization of the properties of high-gradient bimetallic materials for aerospace application', Responsible executant – Shishkovsky I.V.
- The Russian Science Foundation (
RSF - OHK 2020) has awarded support from 2020 until 2022 to our Project No 2020-19-00780 'The novel manufacturing approach to production of highly efficient lead-free textured piezo-ceramic materials using additive manufacturing technologies'. Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (CDMM, Skoltech);
- The State Corporation RosAtom (VNIEF, Sarov) has been funded from 2019 until 2021 the Project in frame works of own the Unified Industry Thematic Plan EOTП-MT-097 '3D Virtual Printer'. Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (CDMM, Skoltech);
- Oerlikon-Skoltech collaborative research project (2019-2022): Sub-Task - Project 4 - 'Data Collection & SLM Process Diagnostics'. Sub-task PI - Shishkovsky I.V. (CDMM, Skoltech);
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support in 2018 to our project N 17-32-50133 mol_nr "Investigation of laser modification processes of nanocomposite materials based on sol-gel structures", Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
- FSP - BRICS 2017-2019 N 14.583.21.0062 "Hybrid process of manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry: modeling, software development and verification" , (PNRPU). Responsible executant – Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);;
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2017 until 2018 to our project N 17-48-630290 p_a "Influence additional heating on phase-structural properties of nickel superalloys for aerospace industry under selective laser melting", Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
The Russian Science Foundation has awarded support from 2015 until 2017 to our project No 15-19-00208 "Additive 3D laser ink-jet printing of functional nanomaterials", (
LPI). Responsible executant –
Shishkovsky I.V. (
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2014 until 2016 to our project No 14-29-10193 ofi-m - "Development of the SLM Basic for perspective metal - matrix composites applied at the aircraft industry". Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2013 until 2016 to our project No
13-03-12407 ofi-m2 - 'Elaboration and investigation of new materials for ion-conducting and electrocatalytical membranes as well as electrodes and other structural elements of ceramic fuel cells'. (
ISTMAN). Responsible executant –
Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
- The Russian Science Foundation has awarded support from 2014 until 2015 to our project No 14-19-00992 'Layerwise laser additive fabrication of functional graded high-temperature intermetallic phase structures'. Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (MSTU "STANKIN");
Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI) was responsible executant by second Megagrant by direction
'Additive manufacturing' within the framework of agreement No 11.G34.31.0077 between Department of Education and Science of Russian Federation and Moscow State Technological University named 'STANKIN', Stage 2014-2015: Leading scientist -
Smurov I. Yu. (
ENISE, France);
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support on 2013 to our project N 13-08-97001p Povoljie-a
- Laser control synthesis of porous tissue-cellular scaffolds from powdered biopolymers with oxide ceramic inclusions, Project leader -
Shishkovsky I.V. (
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2010 until 2012 to our project N 10-08-00208-a - Numerical simulation and laser prototyping of micro- and nano- electro- mechanical systems. Project leader -
Shishkovsky I.V. (
Grant of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences in framework program "Fundamental sciences for medicine" by the theme "Laser synthesis of 3D porous scaffolds from bioresorbable ceramoplasts for stem cells". Stage 2011. Project manager -
Shishkovsky I.V. (
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2009 until 2011 to our project (N 09-08-00149-a). Synthesis of nanooxides by cruicible-free aerosol method and creation of nanostructured compositions for functional purposes. (
ISTMAN). Responsible executant –
Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
Grant of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences in framework program "Fundamental sciences for medicine" by the theme "Laser synthesis of 3D porous matrix from nitinol as repository for stem cells". Stage 2009-2010. Project manager -
Shishkovsky I.V. (
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support 2008 (N- 08-08-07015) for publication of monograph "Laser synthesis of functional meso structures and 3D tools". Project leader -
Shishkovsky I.V. (
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2007 until 2008 to our project (N- 07-08-12048-ofi) - « Layer–by-layer laser control synthesis of porous implants and tissue-cellular scaffolds from titanium base powder compositions». Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2006 until 2007 to our project (N- 06-08-00102-a) – « Numerical simulation and laser synthesis of gradient filter elements and membranes» Project leader-
Shishkovsky I.V. (
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2006 until 2008 to our project (N- 06-03-32119-a) – « Creation of scientific principles and new chemic-technological methods of complex oxides materials and articles production». (
ISTMAN). Responsible executant –
Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
Grant of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences in framework program "Fundamental sciences for medicine" by the theme "Laser controlled synthesis of functional implants". Stages 2005 -- 2006. Project manager
– Shishkovsky I.V. (
- The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2004 until 2006 to our project (N 04-03-96500 Povoljie) "Condition study of the ignition and running of an exothermal reaction of combustion in powdered mixtures precisely controlled at the laser beam." Project chief - Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
The Russian Foundation of Basic Researches (RFBR) has awarded support from 2004 until 2006 to our project (N- 04-03-97204 Naukograd) "Creation of scientific principles and new chemical-technological methods of Piezo-, Ferroelectric, pigment and refractory oxides synthesis". (
ISTMAN). Responsible executant –
Shishkovsky I.V. (SB LPI);
- Project '"Research on the physical and mechanical properties of a NiTi implant synthesized by level-by-level Selective Laser Sintering' was supported within the program, Scientific Research of Higher Education in Manufacturing Technologies -1999, under the Laser Technologies Section. Project leader - Shishkovsky I.V. (SamGU).
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