:: Achievements

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Prof. Igor V. Shishkovsky has been working at the Samara branch of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute since 1982. In 1992, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Theoretical Modeling of Physical Processes in Laser Hardening of Steels" in the specialty 01.04.07 (Solid State Physics) at the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow). CV enclosed

Since 1993, he has transitioned to experimental work in the Laboratory of Technological Lasers, where he became one of the initiators of a new direction in laser technologies - additive synthesis of volumetric parts (3D printing). He led the research group on additive technologies (AT). The most significant achievements include (italicized results are at the world level in the field of AT):

Period 1993-2005: Fundamental principles for the formation of functionally graded meso- and micro-structures and products with unique physical-mechanical and chemical-biological properties were established. Based on the results of a series of studies, a new scientific direction for Russia - "in-situ synthesis of materials in additive technologies" - was formed, and the physical and physico-chemical regularities common to the processes of Selective Laser Sintering/Melting (SLS/M) of powder (including reactive) compositions were studied. An experimental setup for SLS/M was created, new powder compositions and original approaches were patented, and numerous grants and awards were received. Specifically:

Period 2006-2018: After defending his Doctor of Science dissertation and in collaboration with colleagues from ISMAN (Prof. Yu.G. Morozov, Prof. M.V. Kuznetsov), the following results were obtained:

Collaboration with colleagues from the Laboratory of High-Temperature Process Diagnostics (DIPI, Director - Prof. I. Smurov) / University of Lyon/, Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Saint Etienne (ENISE), France, 2005-17, and work in the Megagrant Laboratory (MSTU-STANKIN, Prof. I. Smurov, 2012-2015) allowed us to expand the range of our achievements:

Period 2018-2023: Under my leadership and with active participation at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, CMT (Additive Manufacturing Laboratory), the following were developed:

  1. Original ideas for using additive technologies in the exploration of the Moon and Mars.
  2. Unique products from smart materials & metamaterials, including 3D samples of: Lead-free piezoceramics and piezopolymers; Polymers and intermetallic alloys with shape memory for medical applications; High-entropy alloys; Multi-material gradient products.
  3. New technological approaches to creating highly efficient lead-free textured piezomaterials using SLA-based additive technology were developed:
    • The application of ceramic additive technology for laser 3D printing with various laser sources at multiple wavelengths, optimized according to the optical characteristics of lead-free piezoceramic materials, significantly increased the efficiency of forming 3D products by the additive method compared to the existing world level of additive piezoceramics.
    • The dependencies of the physical and mechanical properties of printed textured piezoceramic samples on their microstructure parameters and pore space characteristics were investigated.
    • The formation of a digital methodology for SLA-based 3D printing of functional lead-free piezoceramics and products based on them.

A/ In collaboration with co-executors on industrial projects with the State Corporation RosAtom (VNIIEF, Sarov) '3D Virtual Printer 1.0, 2019-21' and '3D VP 2.0, 2022-24':

B/ Based on the results of the industrial project Skoltech-Oerlikon GmbH (2019-22):

A unique experimental-technological stand for the LPBF process was created, possessing capabilities that are absent in serial Western and Russian machines.


Grants (italics is current projects):

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